dflife/memory cafe
Look no further than AlzAuthors, a must-explore website, for guidance. Its “Bookstore” page lists Memoirs, Caregiver Guides, Fiction, Children and Teen books and more. The organization also features a blog, a recommended radio podcast and a wealth of other services and resources. One of the Co-Founders of AlzAuthors is Jean Lee, an Ohio resident!
Naomi Feil created "validation" techniques, which revolutionized the way people communicate and interact with disoriented older people. She is the author of numerous books on the subject. Read more about her Validation techniques.
This manual offers help, hope and inspiration. It was produced by Dementia Action Alliance.
LIFE: A Dementia Friendly Foundation
P.O. Box 117 Oberlin, OH 44074 Tel.: 440-935-3506 Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/dflife.org |
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